Essential difference between the two optimum proportions flocculation ratiosLink informatics for "Essential difference between the two optimum proportions flocculation ratios"THE ESSENTIAL DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE TWO OPTIMUM PROPORTIONS FLOCCULATION RATIOSThe Journal of Experimental Medicine, Vol 80, 289-298, Copyright, 1944, by The Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research New York William C. Boyd Ph.D. and Marjorie A. Purnell From Boston University School of Medicine, and Evans Memorial, Massachusetts Memorial Hospitals, Boston The fact that the optimum proportion flocculation ratio is different when determined by the alpha (Dean and Webb) and � (Ramon) procedures is pointed out. It is demonstrated that this difference is a consequence of the difference in the two methods, and that the two optima, though they may in certain cases lie near together, can never coincide. A new ratio (the epsi ratio), intermediate between the alpha and � ratios, and having theoretical advantages over both of them, is defined. |