Road Trip!

Many of you have already heard the news, but I’ll be hitting the road this Summer to collect interviews for Eat Right Stories.

The plan is to buy a grip “truck” (van) and the necessary camera, audio, and lighting gear, then hit all lower 48 states with my film crew of one.

I’m super excited, because I love to travel; especially by myself.  It’s weird, but I find it tremendously relaxing.  Also, the costs will be decreased dramatically by not flying a film crew around, so I can keep the budget focused on quality and post-production (my expertise).

Once this gets moving, and depending how fast I can edit, you can expect to see at least a video every week, of interviews, updates, and possibly roadside shenanigans.  :)


I’m still in search for investors and/or sponsors!  If you know anyone who can see this as a great opportunity both socially and financially, please contact me directly:


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